Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Consumerism - 526 Words

If you want to know if all of our holidays have been turned into consumer driven shopping orgies, the answer lies in the major department stores. Take a walk through Macys or Lord or Taylor or any major store in Oct. and notice the Christmas decorations. Thats right, Christmas decorations. `Tis the season to break the bank. Our capitalistic society is always looking for a reason for driving consumerism and what better reason than a holiday! If theres a month without one, well make one up...just so we have some reason to put some useless piece of crap on sale. What ever happened to all the traditional values that are at the core of all or most of these holidays? Do we as a society even remember? Since its the holiday†¦show more content†¦The annual celebration of the American consumer economy- the holiday shopping season- is just underway... (The New York Times/12/7/03/ Is Wal-Mart Good for America?) The article is talking about the most popular shopping day of the season, Black Friday; the day after Thanksgiving. I must admit, I participate in the day of over indulgence. Every year, my mother, aunt, cousin, and I wake up at 5am and head off to the malls of New Jersey (to avoid the tax) and get as many good deals as possible. While Christmas may be the main shopping holiday, there are many other holidays that have been commercialized. Valentines Day is Russell Stovers goldmine. I mean, come on, nothing says I love you like a big box of fat. Then theres Halloween. This is another money making holiday for the candy companies. But also for whatever company makes those paper thin costumes that we dress our children up in to go wander the streets at night for candy. Thanksgiving is a perfect holiday to actually get in touch with your family over a delightful dinner. If your family is like mine, it usually ends up to be eating too much and fighting even more. Theres also the Macys Day parade to welcome in the official start of the shopping season. Lets not forget Easter; its the spring version of Christmas. Another religious holiday, the resurrection of Christ, has been attached to aShow MoreRelatedDisadvantages Of Consumerism1154 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"The study of consumerism in world history does not provide a definitive balance sheet on whether the long-term results are favorable or unfavorable. But it does provide perspective, allowing [a] greater understanding of what consumerism involves, and perspective...offers a greater capacity to choose...rather than being swept away by the latest enthusiasm† (Stearns, 159). Peter Stearns’ book â€Å"Consumerism In World History: The Global Transformation of Desire† offers an extensive perspective on theRead MoreConsumerism Essay1620 Words   |  7 PagesConsumerism – Bruce Dawe Poetry || 2009 Every society has mythology. In some societies, it’s religion. Our religion is consumerism. 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It is the theory that buying more goods will ultimately lead to economic advantages. Consumerism has destroyed the concept of the idealistic nuclear family in America, in favor of materialistic chaos. American society used to be content with the little things in life, up until the rise of consumerism, starting during the industrial revolution, but reaching its peak after World War II. Americans have become more occupied with theRead MoreEssay The Effects of Consumerism on Adults and Children1085 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effects of Consumerism on Adults and Children Consumers are creatively successful when designing a persuasive advertisement for increased profitability. In a normal household, it’s the parents who have the financial obligations; therefore, it would be wise to grab their attention. On the other hand, it takes less than a strategic mind targeting children because the simplest things fascinate them. 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According to Bocock et al (1993) at the heart of consumerism is a belief that â€Å"goods and services specifically provide fun and enjoyment† for the consumer (Bocock et al, 1993, cited in Troy, 1995). It is a very important factor in our daily life as we are confronted with numerous products to choose from (Beer

Friday, December 20, 2019

The War On Drugs Should Be Discontinued - 986 Words

The united states spends a lot of money keeping dangerous criminals in prisons and off of the streets. The phrase a lot hardly does justice describing a figure like 70 billion dollars. Unfortunately, almost 50 percent of these ‘criminals’ America spends that wad of cash on were arrested for non-violent drug charges, and are not a danger to America’s safety at all. Drugs are no good, but do not cause harm to anyone but the user. That is, until these drugs are made illegal and drug cartels see huge profits in the illegal trade that they are willing to kill for. In 1971 President Nixon waged, quite dramatically, a full-blown war against drugs abuse, claiming that addiction is directly related to crime. Instead of offering therapy for addicts, the plan from 1971 and on was to incarcerate them, and ruin their lives far more so than the drugs ever had. The war on drugs should be discontinued to cease wasteful spending, end the incarceration of peaceful peoples, and prev ent the deaths of officers and citizens alike. Already a trillion dollar failure thus far, the war on drugs adds 51 billion dollars to that tab every year. An effort of these proportions should have some accomplishments to boast, right? Sadly, it does not. The current United States drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, who directs the drug-control policies in America, is quoted talking about the war on drugs, saying, â€Å"Forty years later, the concern about drugs and drug problems is, if anything, magnified, intensified.-- InShow MoreRelatedNuclear Physics : A Scientist989 Words   |  4 Pagesproduce a weapon capable of annihilating thousands or even millions of innocent civilians. The scientist, however, strongly believes that a weapon of this magnitude should remain nonexistent. Should he or she continue with this research even though it could be used to create a weapon of mass destruction? The scientist absolutely should. A scientist has no moral obligations in regards to the unintend ed applications of his or her research because termination of scientific development deprives societyRead More Bipolar Disorder and the Essay979 Words   |  4 PagesBipolar Disorder and the War on Drugs Bipolar disorder, also known as, manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that results in unusual shifts in a persons mood, energy, and ability to function. More than two million American adults (or, about one per cent of the population aged eighteen and older in any given year) are afflicted by this affective disorder (1). 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How can all these issued be resolved, when there over 300 million people within the United States? Chicago has become the world murder capital. There were over 700 murders committed in 2016. There have been over 100 murders since the beginning of 2017. There is black on black crime and cops against Black Lives Matter movement circulating the whole U.S. There are riots occurringRead MoreDrug Addiction : The United States War On Drugs930 Words   |  4 PagesThe decades-old United States war on drugs has not been successful and very cost ineffective (Madden, 2008). Today, drug addiction continues to be an important public health problem in our nation. The U.S. spends more than $700 billion dollars annually in costs related to substance abuse (National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 2015). Drug-related costs include abuse of tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, crime, lost work productivity, and health care (NIDA, 2015). And the costs corresponding to thoseRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1234 Words   |  5 Pagesmarijuana,† (Gonnerman 40). Doctors are prescribing marijuana for its medical benefits. The Clinton administration on the other hand is outlawing marijuana because it has not been approved by the FDA. Since doctors feel marijuana has medical benefits it should be clinically tested so they can prescribe it for their patients. Marijuana can be used for many medical reasons. For cancer patients receiving chemotherapy marijuana decreases vomiting and nausea; it also helps them deal with the anxiety of the treatmentRead MoreEssay Marijuana for Medical Use1547 Words   |  7 Pagessome drugs, such as marijuana, from being sold in the marketplace. Yet, even with prohibition, marijuana use has only decreased minimally. Because of its illegality, only the bad aspects of marijuana use have been made known. However, there are many positive aspects of marijuana legalization, including its application concerning medical cures. As of today, in most of the states, marijuana is classified as an illegal drug. However, due to its proven medicinal purposes, the drug should be madeRead MoreShould We Fight The War On Drugs? Essay2039 Words   |  9 Pagesthe American Government has waged war against its citizens through legislation, restriction, and imprisonment. This â€Å"war† against American citizens aptly named the â€Å"War on Drugs,† has cost billions of American taxpayer dollars and has not discontinued or even diminished the manufacture and sale of currently illegal substances, since once one drug smuggling operation is stopped, hundreds if not thousands of other illicit operations vie to fill their spot in the drug market. One argument would put forthRead MoreAnimal Experimentation And The Cosmetic Industry And Medical Professions1509 Words   |  7 Pagesnotable cases throughout history where such testing was undeniably beneficial, although it could certainly be argued that such methods were not always necessary. With significant advancements in scientific technology and medical practices animal testing should no longer be considered necessary or a morally defensible practice. Due to biological differences between humans and animals, experimentation on animals creates inaccurate results, making such tests an ineffective method of research. According toRead MoreWhy A Mass Murderer Commits A Crime Essay1530 Words   |  7 Pageskillers were admitted into the hospital for psychiatric issues; 42 killers had previously seen a professional. Twenty-four killers were prescribed psychiatric drugs before the crime, and 14 of the people failed to take the prescribed drugs when they committed the crime ( Glaberson and Goodstein). The term shell shock that emerged from World War I, made experts think that soldiers had concussions resulting from exploding ammunition. The nervous system seemed to have the most symptoms, which contained

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Critical Review And Analysis Of MindBody Therapies †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Critical Review And Analysis Of MindBody Therapies. Answer: Introduction Mind-body therapy is a healing approach that focuses on body, mind and spirit as an integrated whole. It is a holistic approach that emphases on the connection between a peoples physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities. Various studies conducted have proved that emotional dysfunction like stress and depression influence health outcomes and physiological functions (Rossi, 2017). Clinical practitioners and medical education overlooks the psychosocial factors as major contributors in acceleration of sicknesses. Mind-body therapy should be integrated in the multidisciplinary approach that is aimed at reducing mood disturbance, pain, and anxiety. Understanding and providing patients with appropriate mind-body therapies enhances doctor-patient relationship, helps patients to understand what they are going through better, and improves the body system. Although evidence of the successful administration of the mind-body therapy is not satisfactory, it should not be ruled out in aiding cli nical practice (Leung, 2015). There are dominant relations that occur between the immune system and the brain, and behavior is directly influenced by psychosocial factors. Mind-body therapy may shield these immune modifications through enhanced mood, physical exercise, relaxation, and stress decline. Behavioral reactions are thus the basic elements to activating body-mind system, which in turn modify the immune system and have inferences for vulnerability to many diseases. The changes in the body weaken the body system and the intervention of a health practitioner is sought (Benn, 2015). Thus, the practitioner should provide medical and therapy solution to facilitate faster healing process. Some of the mind-body therapy modalities include; meditation, relaxation techniques and guided imagery Meditation Meditation is the deliberate self-regulation of attention. Adapted from the Eastern traditional systems, it focuses on cumulative transparency of minds and mental consciousness (Alexander, 2008). It is an organized mental emphasis on specific features of internal and external experiences. It includes reception, yoga, stretching and group dynamics. In order to determine the effectiveness of meditation as a mind-body therapy a research was conducted on cancer patients. The method used was randomized controlled trial of both male and female patients, and it was found that the cancer patients in the randomized trial had less mood disturbance and less stress symptoms, these patients were provided with meditation group and home meditation services, compared to the cancer patients who were undergoing treatment only. Meditation falls between two major categories that is Mindfulness Based Cognitive Techniques (MBCT) and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), meta-analysis on clinical lite rature for therapeutics for psychological symptoms have tried to draw conclusion between the two broad categories of MBSR and MBCT techniques ("Alternative Therapy: Mind, Body, and Spirit," 2017). These meta-analyses have generally concluded that meditation techniques provide effective results to depression patients. Patients found with depression and cannot concentrate are required to take meditative classes to help them focus their attention. Handling of clinical depression disorders happen during different phases of the disorder; acute, continuation and maintenance phases, depression times time to heal and therefore it is necessary to repeat the acute phase after all the phases are over to prevent the recurring of depression (Evans, 2010). Medication coupled with regulated meditation helps cure depression. Also, meditation provides small to moderate benefits for symptoms of anxiety, especially in patients with comorbid illnesses. There are difficulties in identifying the efficaci ous components of meditation therapies for several reasons. First, a rigorous comparison of the praxis elements of individual meditative therapies has not been undertaken, and thus the extent of commonality is not known. Because there is evidence to suggest that different meditative practices involve different neuronal substrates it is likely that meditation therapies that incorporate different practices affect the biological substrates of target psychological symptoms differently (Fogerite Goldberg, 2008). Relaxation techniques It exploits responsiveness of breathing rate, rhythm, and volume. It involves techniques whose key objective is elicitation of a psychophysiological state of relaxation or hypo arousal. Relaxation therapy decreases sensitive nervous system reaction, which in turn minimizes demand for oxygen, decreases heartbeat, and lowers blood pressure (Joyce, Etty-Leal, Zazryn, Hamilton, 2010). Relaxation therapies combines a range of practices such as yoga, biofeedback, breathing deeply, hypnosis, and guided imagery. Relaxation can be used in some instances to relax tensed muscles. From the randomized controlled trial, most of the patients who had muscle relaxation training, had a regular sleep pattern compared to those patients in the control program. The randomized control trial for the muscle relaxation training concluded that the therapy had an impact as the cancer patients showed reduction in depression and anxiety, while the controlled program had patients with anxiety and depression sympt oms (Leung, 2015). Another trial that involved cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, it was set for one group to undergo relaxation training and the other group to miss the training. From the two groups, the trained group reported decreased anger, fatigue, depression, and tension symptoms. Relaxation technique has also been known to help reduce pain, coupled with guided imagery the cancer patients are able to endure the chemotherapy with much ease compared to those who do not undergo the therapy. This is analyzed by the pain score that the patients report after their subsequent treatment (Stam, 2004). Cognitive-behavioral therapy It is a form of therapy aimed at modifying a patients opinions, manners or emotional responses to help in identifying and monitoring reaction to symptoms using an automated learning or counselling approach (Ventegodt Merrick, 2013). Patients are given an opportunity to use their own imaginations to formulate mental images that help them get away from their immediate symptoms, this is done through guided imagery and relaxation. Analysis of studies relating to cancer patients with sleep disorders, fatigue, and pain expressed satisfaction in the cognitive behavior therapy. The studies demonstrated improvements in the symptoms noted. The randomized controlled trial involved cancer patients who were in pain, had sleep disorders and were fatigued (Wainrib, 2006). The trial trained half of the patients, and gave them music players to listen to when undergoing chemotherapy. It was found that the patients who were trained and listened to music endured pain better than those who were not trai ned. Cognitive behavior therapy helps patients forget their immediate pain and give them a chance to focus on something else rather than their surroundings and pain. Pain makes the patients experience depression and anxiety, which can deteriorate their ailing state further (Benn, 2015). Findings There is sufficient evidence that medicine practitioners ought to include psychosocial models in the health models that have been adapted (Kimko Peck, 2011). There are affirmative outcomes of meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials, there is a convincing evidence to incorporate the modalities of body-mind therapies in treatment of all types of diseases including cancer, and there are further researches that should be conducted to give more satisfactory conclusions. From the negligible side effects related to the mind-body therapies that are being used to enhance the healing process, the health practitioners should highly encourage them because they are cost effective. Clinical practitioners should integrate the psychosocial mind body approaches to be considered a priority. Also, patients should be provided with insurances that cover such therapies to enable them utilize the services easily. The patients should be allowed the freedom to choose whether to engage in mind body te chniques as an additional therapy, since free will of the patients would mean willingness to heal therefore physiologic benefits will be realized easily. Conclusion Support groups should be formed by the clinicians and also the patients, this will help to provide information for members, provide skills for coping with their issues, help moderate anxiety and offer the people a place where they would share their emotions and concerns. The settings could be hospital based or community. Support groups help reduce depression, anxiety, illness adaptation, and marital relationships. Practitioners should provide evidence-based, holistic care including mind-body therapy to patients. Practitioners should establish open communication with the patients to help them choose the most comfort therapy to use. The few studies for mind-body therapies are not adequate therefore more needs to be done to create awareness of the importance of the mind-body interventions. References Alexander,J. (2008). The holistic therapy file: A complete guide to over 80 effective treatments to heal the mind, body spirit. London: Carlton. Alternative Therapy: Mind, Body, and Spirit. (n.d.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. doi:10.4135/9781483345758.n25 Benn,R. (2015). MindBody Therapies. Integrative Women's Health, 78-108. doi:10.1093/med/9780190214791.003.0005 Evans,S. (2010). Review: mindfulness-based therapies effective for anxiety and depression. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 13(4), 116-116. doi:10.1136/ebmh1094 Fogerite,S.G., Goldberg,G.L. (2008). Overview of Mind-Body Therapies. Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapy, 84-120. doi:10.1016/b978-072160111-3.50013-0 Joyce,A., Etty-Leal,J., Zazryn,T., Hamilton,A. (2010). Exploring a Mindfulness Meditation Program on the Mental Health of Upper Primary Children: A Pilot Study. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 3(2), 17-25. doi:10.1080/1754730x.2010.9715677 Kimko,H.C., Peck,C.C. (2011). Clinical trial simulations: Applications and trends. New York: Springer. Leung,P. (2015). Yoga Qigong A Self-reliant Practice for Health of Body Mind. Complementary Therapies for the Body, Mind and Soul. doi:10.5772/60568 Rossi,E. (n.d.). Mind-Body Therapy. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e541502010-001 Stam,H.J. (2004). A Sound Mind in a Sound Body: A Critical Historical Analysis of Health Psychology. Critical Health Psychology, 15-30. doi:10.1007/978-0-230-21630-3_2 Ventegodt,S., Merrick,J. (2013). Textbook on evidence-based holistic mind-body medicine: Healing the mind in traditional hippocratic medicine. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publisher's, Inc. Wainrib,B.R. (2006). Healing crisis and trauma with mind, body, and spirit. New York: Springer Pub.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Professional and Ethical Guidelines in International Psychology

Question: Discuss about the Professional and Ethical Guidelines in International Psychology. Answer: Introduction: The given case considers a case of Brad Shelton, software consultant with Software Solutions Ltd trading in software products to the accounting firms and small business enterprises. For the purpose of acquiring one software package, he was approached by Jennifer Jolie to travel to Los Angeles to analyze the software package offered by her company, Pitt Ltd. It has been considered that the approach for the trip offered by one of the salesperson of the vendor company and not directly by the company itself in a formal manner. However, the salesperson Jennifer Jolie contended that the expenses for trip would be borne by the vendor company, which will consider the personal and official trip. Accordingly, it can be said that Brad Shelton should not take the trip only on the suggestion of the sales person. Brad is required to confirm the analysis of the software package with the management of the company including the confirmation of trip to Los Angeles before taking up the project. Ethical concerns that may be involved in the present situation are conflicts between professional duties with that of company demands, conflicts between individual responsibilities and consumer demands. It is essential to comply with the ethical behavior with respect to the expenses of the trip for professional purpose and not with the intention on personal purpose (Laporte, OConnor Paucar, 2015). The trip to Los Angeles, which included personal purpose along with the official purpose, was approached by the salesperson, Jennifer Jolie of the vendor company Pitt Limited. In view of the legal requirements, it is important to comply certain regulations with respect to the confirmation of trip that includes personal and professional purpose. In the present case, Jennifer Jolie approached for the trip who is a salesperson of the vendor company. It is important for any official trip to get the confirmation with the companys management in formal manner. Mere approach for the official trip by one of the salespersons cannot be called for a confirmation. Further, there should be proper details about the trip with respect to the expenses, travelling dates, accommodation and other information. In the present situation, Jennifer only offered the about the trip which was not presented in any written form (Hassanli, Gross Brown, 2016). It is important to get the official offer in the writte n form as well as in the official document stating all the necessary details. Accordingly, the management of Software Solutions Ltd should not consider the verbal communication of the sales representative of the vendor company, Pitt Ltd to allow Mr. Brad Shelton to go on the trip. Additionally, there has to be employment policy on the allowing an employee to go on the trip which must be official and the same may or may not include the trip for personal purpose. In the present situation, the organizational management should consider Brads trip only if the company has such policy on sending the employees foreign trip along with the family. Code of conduct refers to the set of principles and rules that outlines the social norms, standards that assists the organizations to perform for the welfare of the stakeholders. It is required to be followed by each of the organizations in all the sectors hence, Software Solutions Ltd should also have code of conduct. It should mention the policies and principles for the employees to protect their rights including the performance of business activities in fair and honest manner (Heiss et al., 2015). Code of the conduct in the organizations provides several benefits to perform the business functions in an effective manner. One of the significant advantages of the code of conduct is ascertainment of acceptable business practice in the organization with respect to the legal standards. The code of conduct also provides the assistance in taking appropriate business decisions in consideration with the production, trading and marketing the products and services. Compliance of code of condu ct also provides the organization in resolving the conflicts between the employees and management or among the employees or at any employment level (Winter, 2015). However, there are certain disadvantages of code of conduct that may be experienced by Software Solutions Ltd that includes time involvement, cultural challenges, designing and enforceable challenges. Formation of code of conduct is a time consuming activity as well as requires to be followed with several cultural needs. It is difficult for the organization to maintain all the necessary standards and legal regulations in the code of conduct policy due to lack of skill and knowledge (Sauvant, 2015). Income statement or the statement of profit and loss for the financial year measures the performance of the organizational business with respect to the expenses and revenues. The profit and loss statement is prepared to determine the organizational profitability for the accounting year by considering the direct and indirect incomes and expenses. Accordingly, the consolidated profit or loss statement or income statement states the combined financial information of the parent or holding company and subsidiary company (Lee, 2015). The consolidated income statement of Greencross Limited states the combined income of the holding company as well as the subsidiary company stating the total combined revenue of $ 734 million during the financial year 2016. The consolidated income statement of the company states the combined profit of parent and subsidiary company amounted to $38 million in the financial year 2016. The consolidated income statement states that the organization had earned profi tability in combination with the income of its subsidiary company in which the parent company holds significant percentage of investment. The statement reflects the organizational cost of acquisition amounted to $2.01 million while the combined cost of sales of goods reflected $324 million during the year 2016. Such amounts reflect the total combined value of cost incurred to sell the goods by the subsidiary company as well as by the parent company including the amount of sales revenue earned by the company. Hence, the consolidated income statement of Greencross Limited determines the combined information on financial transactions incurred by holding subsidiary company (Greencross Limited 2016). Considering the financial statement of Greencross Limited for the financial year ending on 30th June 2016 the value of each of the stated item in consideration with consolidated accounts is as follows: Items Value $000 Classification Reasons i. Cash and cash equivalent 62,583 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalent is classified as current assets since it can be converted into liquid cash immediately. It includes the cash at bank as well as cash in hand. ii. Marketing Costs 10,880 Expenses Marketing cost is classified as an expense since it is incurred by the company for financial year to improve the sale of the products and helps in generating revenue. iii. Occupancy Costs 78,121 Expenses Occupancy cost has been classified as an expense since it is incurred with respect to occupy the space for production, business organization. Occupancy cost includes rent, property taxes, property insurance and other amortization cost. iv. Cost of sales of goods 324,949 Expenses Cost of sales of goods is considered as an expense since it includes the production costs to generate the sales revenue. v. Provisions 20,990 Current Liabilities Provision is classified as current liabilities since it is considered as a present liability of the organization. It is regarded as current liability because it is referred as the present obligation of the company several business expenses. vi. Inventories 92,002 Current Assets Inventory is classified as current- assets since it can be sold by the organization immediately that assists in generating liquid cash. vii. Property, plant and equipment 156,867 Non- Current Assets Property, plant and equipment is classified as non- current assets because it is expected to generate the economic benefits for more than a year. Table 1: Value of financial statement items (Sources: Greencross Limited 2016) Summarized change for the financial statements between the accounting year 2015 and 2016 for each of the item of Greencross Ltd. is mentioned below: Item 2015 % Change 2016 % Change Summary Gross margin percentage 93.61 16.54 It states that the profitability ratio by considering the revenue and operating costs of the organization. During the year, 2015 and 2014 the organization incurred high profitability while during 2015 and 2015 the companys profitability increased by16.54%. Operating expenses 23.85 11.57 During the year, 2015 and 2014 the organizations operating expenses increased by 23.85% while in the year 2016 it increased 11.57%. This percentage indicates the decrease in expenses during the current year 2016. Revenue Growth 74.12 13.80 In the financial year 2014, the amount of revenue of the company was less than that in 2015 by 74.12%. However, the revenue increased by 13.80% during the year 2016 which indicates the performance efficiency of Greencross Ltd. NPAT -117.53 74.61 It states the earnings excluding the cost of finance and tax in order to measure the performance of the organization with the own capital funds. During the year, 2014 the organization incurred net loss while in 2015 it incurred profit hence the percentage changed occurred at 117.53%. On the other hand, Greencross Limited incurred profit during 2016 that increased by 74.16% improving the performance efficiency. Finance Cost 38.35 17.72 It refers the cost incurred to borrow the business funds, which increased during the accounting year 2015 and 2016 but at lower percentage. Non- Current Assets 74.98 6.99 It states the employed assets that generate economic benefits over more than one year. During the year 2015, the value increased by 74.98% and in 2016 by 6.99%. Number of stores and veterinary clinics at the end of the year 9.59 7.50 It indicates the capability of the organization to hire the operating units, which reflected a declined value in 2016. Cash flow from operating activities -39.51 435.27 It indicates the generation of cash from the operating activities, which was negative during the year 2014 while increased at high percentage in 2016. Table 2: Comparative figures of financial statement for 2015 and 2016 (Sources: Greencross Limited 2016) Comparative figures provide information in the change of finances and performance of the business during the two accounting years. The comparative figures of 2015 and 2016 state the increase or decrease in the financial results of the company that assists in making business and investment decisions (Brown, 2016). Such comparative information is useful to the shareholder of Greencross Limited with respect to the companys performance growth, employment of borrowed funds and other financial information. The information will provide the shareholder to compare the generation of sales revenue in consideration with the operating expenses as well as the income from operation after finance charges and tax costs. It is also useful to determine the growth of organization in generating the cash funds from the operating activities ignoring other indirect costs and revenue. Reference: Beccalli, E., Miller, P., O'leary, T. (2015). How analysts process information: technical and financial disclosures in the microprocessor industry.European Accounting Review,24(3), 519-549. Brown, P. J. (2016). Calculation of Environmentally Sustainable Residual Income (eSRI) from IFRS Financial Statements: An Extension of Richard (2012). InIFRS in a Global World(pp. 141-157). Springer International Publishing. 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